Redis projects

10 projects, 10 years helps world-class engineering teams hire the world’s most sought-after freelance engineers at a moment’s notice. I worked on their Django/Vue web app and as a freelancer on the platform.

Law School Transparency

Law School Transparency is an award-winning 501(c)(3) non-profit that does consumer advocacy and public education about the legal profession. I worked with their Executive Director to get their rebuild over the finish line and continue to lead their technical team.


Tap makes it simple to see what personal data organisations hold about you, and then act on it.


Hanzo: Defensible standards-based web and social media archiving.


Zilly helps property owners manage rentals from anywhere.


Simple team-based contact management for organisations via the web and over CardDAV.

PHP South West UK

Silex app for PHPSW.

Nutrition Centre

Symfony2 ecommerce build for Nutrition Centre, vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements store.

Fleur of England

Symfony2 ecommerce build for Fleur of England, luxury lingerie design house.